San Cipriano is a small town on way to the Pacific coast. Since the town can only be reached by rail, the locals improvised their own railway service of motor propelled carts. Which makes getting there the biggest adventure. The river has crystal clear refreshing water. You can rent a tube, walk up the river and float back down being surrounded by the jungle.

What can you do:
- Enjoy the unique ride in small train carts
- Go for jungle tubing down the river
- Learn about Afro-Colombian Pacific lifestyle and culture
- Swim and relax by the river
- Go on nature walk through the rainforest
- Visit waterfall
- Taste fresh Fish
- If you are not planing to come back the same day to Cali you can find cheap accommodation in the village

How to get:
Walk 15 min to the bus terminal and ask for the bus that heads towards Buenaventura (every 15 min), get off at Cordoba, from where it's a 5 min walk downhill to the railway line, where your railway adventure will begin. Bargain with the trolley operators (pay maximum 10,000COP per person, if not less). To come back to Cali, go to the main road, wave down any bus going to Cali.

How much it costs:
18000 COP bus one way, 10000COP round ticket for the trolley ride, 5000COP for a tube rent

How long it takes to get there:
2-2.30 hr

Photos by Ben Chertoff and Mauricio Garcia