Rafael Lozano (Tel.0057-3137676099; rlozano@squalus.org
Rafael is a very experienced and highly responsable Dive Instructor who knows Colombia´s best diving spots extremely well. He can give you the dates and all the details to the upcoming trips.
He´s currently doing research on sharks in Colombia for the NGO Squalus (www.squalus.org).
For diving lovers there are amazing opportunities around Colombian Pacific Coast:

1. Isla Gorgona
The island of Gorgona was untill 1985 a high security prison . A few years later it was declared National Park.
The dive sites are amazing and it is likely you see seaturtles, moreens and whitefin sharks. Depending on season and luck you might see humpback whales, whalesharks and manta rays.
There are two ways to visit Gorgona:
1. A weekend dive tour on a Dive Boat. The3 to 4 days on the boat, including dives, food, accomodation on the boat visit to the island and transportation from Cali will cost you about (700USD).
2. If you want to stay on the island you have to book through the travel agent Aviatur. They run a hotel and a dive shop on Gorgona. Prices are rather high. For details visit www.aviatur.com (Parques Nacionales/Gorgona)
For more info visit wikitravel.org/Isla_Gorgona
2. Malpelo
Malpelo is a big rock out in the Pacific about 500 km away from the coast.
It is home of a unique shark population; swarms of 200 hammerhead sharks and hundreds of silky sharks are frequently seen by diving expeditions, making it a very popular sharkdiving location. Malpelo is one of the few places where the Smalltooth sand tiger has been seen alive, in the dive site El bajo "El Monstruo" is frequently seen.
Prices for dive tours to Malpelo are getting higher and higher (almost 3000 USD now). The trip is usually abaout a week long, stops in Gorgona for a day or two and in Malpelo for three or four.
For more info visit wikipedia.org/Malpelo_Island
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